Features Never Found In Luxury Hotels:
If you have ever stayed in 3 or 4 star hotels (as I am sure many of you reading this have over the years), there are a number of “features” or experiences that you will no doubt have had, that you will never experience at a luxury hotel.
Now, that is not to say that luxury hotels are lacking in any way, rather the opposite is true. Read on to discover some of these “features” or experiences that you will never endure at luxury hotels:
Extended Waits Checking In and Out:
3 and 4 star hotels are used by the vast majority of holiday goers, as they are somewhat cheap and cheerful. However, once check in time arrives, people seem to descend from everywhere, clamoring to get checked in to drop off their bags in the room.
The same is true of check out time. This does not happen in luxury hotels, as it is the staff’s top priority to ensure that you have the very best experience possible, right from the start.
Some luxury hotels enable you to check out, before you even leave your room, meaning all you have to do is drop off your room key before heading off on your journey home.
Sub Par Bedding:
They say that there is nothing like your own bed at home. Perhaps the person or persons who came up with this phrase never experienced beds in luxury hotels however!
3 or 4 star hotels all seem to have the same beds and bedding materials, usually hard mattresses (to ensure that they are acceptable to a range of tastes, and are hard wearing), while some luxury hotels will allow you to choose your preferred mattress and bedding material type, ahead of checking in.
No more rock hard mattress or scratchy blankets!
Food Choice – What Food Choice?!
3 or 4 star hotels normally have just 1 restaurant, and while there may be different cuisines on offer, these are usually a shadow of what the authentic cuisine should be, prepared with substitute ingredients, that have been stocked to cater to the wide ranging menu.
Luxury hotels will usually have several restaurant options on site, with specialized and authentic menu options, often prepared by a chef who specializes in that particular cuisine. You will know the difference immediately, as the correct ingredient will be used to ensure the freshest, tastiest experience possible.
This too is true of vegan or vegetarian options, as 3 or 4 star hotels may have only just 1 item on the menu to cater to your tastes, while luxury hotels will have a massive range to choose from.
General Surroundings:
3 and 4 star hotels are “adequately” decorated in both their rooms and public areas. Often favored by business people for meetings and “off the street” customers for food etc, these hotels are perfectly fine for short stays.
However, luxury hotels are prepared to the highest standards, ensuring that no matter where guests look, they are witnessing the very finest.